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The captcha_available_models() function lists the models available for prediction in the {captcha} package or another repository referenced in the repo parameter. The models are loaded from the captcha repository release page using the piggyback::pb_list() function. The captcha_load_model() function downloads a model using piggyback::pb_download() and returns a luz_module_fitted object.


captcha_available_models(repo = "decryptr/captcha", tag = "captcha_model")

captcha_load_model(captcha, repo = "decryptr/captcha", tag = "captcha_model")



repository in the form "<user>/<captcha>". Defaults to "decryptr/captcha"


tag name of the release to load the file.


file name or captcha name


captcha_available_models() returns a character vector with the names of the available models. captcha_load_model() returns an object of class luz_module_fitted.


Currently, available models are:

  • trf5: Tribunal Regional Federal 5

  • tjmg: Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais

  • trt: Tribunal Regional do Trabalho 3

  • esaj: Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia

  • jucesp: Junta Comercial de São Paulo

  • tjpe: Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco

  • tjrs: Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul

  • sei: Sistema Eletrônico de Informações - ME

  • rfb: Receita Federal do Brasil

This list may be updated when new models are added to the release.


# run only with internet connection
if (interactive() && torch::torch_is_installed()) {


  # loads rfb model
  model <- captcha_load_model("rfb")
  # model estimated accuracy on validation dataset
  utils::tail(model$records$metrics$valid, 1)[[1]][["captcha acc"]]
